The main goals of the Association:
The main goals of the Association are to promote the development of medical tourism as one of the branches of the national economy of Uzbekistan, to represent and protect the rights and legitimate interests of its members, to create conditions for the consolidated interaction of all participants in the medical tourism market (doctors, clinics, tour operators, insurance agencies, transport, legal , hotelier and other services), aimed at optimizing mutually beneficial cooperation for suppliers and consumers in this field of activity.
The main tasks facing the Association are reduced to the implementation of the following activities:
-representing the interests of the members of the Association in their relations with the state authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional and local authorities, as well as local governments;
-resolution of disputes arising between members of the Association, as well as between them and other persons, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
-support for the integration of the tourism industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan into the world economy, protection of the interests of domestic enterprises and citizens in the international market;
-conclusion with domestic and foreign organizations and institutions of memorandums, agreements, contracts and other documents that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan documents related to the development of medical tourism;
-provision of information services in the field of health and medical tourism;assistance in organizing training for the members of the Association at courses, seminars, master classes and other methods of training, retraining and advanced training in leading domestic and foreign specialized medical institutions;
-creation of a material and technical base and other necessary conditions for the activities of members of the Association in the field of medical tourism;
advertising both within the republic and abroad the opportunities and benefits of medical tourism in Uzbekistan by organizing and holding various forums, conferences, seminars, promotions and other events;
-study of international experience in the field of medical tourism and market research;
-organization among the members of the Association of cultural and educational, physical culture and sports, medical and recreational activities and recreation;
-financing of organizational, representative and other types of expenses not prohibited by the legislation of Uzbekistan, related to the implementation of the above activities of the Association and aimed (directly or indirectly) at the development of medical tourism in the republic, etc.