Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Endocrinology named after Ya. Kh. Turakulov

Address: 56, MirzoUlugbek str., Mirzo Ulugbek district,
Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
Для уточнения информации звоните к нам: + 998 78 113-33-78
The center was established in 2007 on the basis of the Research Institute of Endocrinology, as the main institution that provides an effective vertical of management and interaction within the industry, and continuity between institutions of the endocrinological profile.
The main goal of the center is to provide high quality endocrinological care that meets the international standards, to the population. In 2017, the center was named after the founder of the Institute, Academician Ya. Kh. Turakulov, and it received the status of a state institution.

The center specializes in diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, children’s endocrine diseases, neuroendocrinology, endocrine surgery, nuclear medicine, and early diagnosis of reproductive endocrinological pathology.

The center features the polyclinic for 250 visits per shift, 14 clinical units with 315 beds for stationary treatment, such as thyroid pathology, endocrine surgery, nuclear medicine, neuroendocrinology and neurosurgery, diabetes mellitus,  nephroangiopathy and  hemodialysis, diabetic foot, pediatric endocrinology, medical genetics, and lab of hormonal analysis, that is equipped with modern high-tech equipment.


The Nuclear Medicine unit is the only one in Central Asia that works with a source of ionizing radiation, and meets the working conditions required by the international standards of the IAEA for nuclear medicine.

The center has 128 doctors, including 10 Doctors of Medical Sciences (4 Professors) and 30 Candidates of Medical Sciences.

Patients have option to stay in comfortable rooms with additional facilities (individual bathroom, TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, Wi-Fi).